A People’s History of Can

I was born in a small fishing village on the shores of Bosporus, stuck between Europe and Asia; Istanbul. I lived in Istanbul until 2003, and then moved to Victoria, BC, where I completed my BA and MA in Political Science. Following a Ph.D. in International Politics and Political Theory at the University of Ottawa, I took my first job in Ankara, Turkey, at the Bilkent University’s International Relations Department between 2013-2016. Since 2016, I have been first an Assistant Professor and now and Associate Professor of Global Politics at Acadia University, in Wolfville, Nova Scotia Canada.

My research interests include various aspects of contemporary security practices, including border security, migration and refugee studies, and technology and security. My current research looks at the material dimensions of global mobility regimes, including border security technologies, port and border architectures, data infrastructures, and the increasing role of machine learning and algorithms in border security and customs processes, as well as the Canadian Visa System

I am a co-editor of Critical Methods in Security Studies: An Introduction (first and second editions). My recent research appears in International Migration, Comparative European Politics, European Journal of Social Theory, Critical Studies on Security, International Political Sociology, and Environment and Planning D: Society and Space